Monday, July 18, 2016

18+ Species Today!

Mostly spotted around North Pond. To put this in perspective, on ebird, the single day high for North Pond this year is 77 species. To give myself some credit that was in early May during peak migration season.  I'm pretty happy with the 18+ I saw today. I really wish I could have successfully identified the last bird!
  1. American Robin
  2. Northern Cardinal (by call)
  3. Red-winged Blackbird
  4. Cliff Swallow
  5. Common Sparrow
  6. Downy Woodpecker
  7. Green Heron
  8. Black-crowned Night Heron
  9. Great Blue Heron
  10. Mallard
  11. Wood Duck
  12. Canadian Goose
  13. American Crow
  14. Common Grackle
  15. Ring-billed Gull
  16. American Goldfinch
  17. Mourning Dove
  18. Domestic Goose
  19. I think it was a Brandt but I can't positively say, will scope out again tomorrow hopefully. 


Mark Pederson said...

If you'd stopped over at the zoo, you could have added a snowy owl and bald eagle. Would that count?

Mark Pederson said...

If you'd stopped over at the zoo, you could have added a snowy owl and bald eagle. Would that count?

Julia said...

I don't count birds seen in captivity! That would make birding WAY too easy!!!

Mark Pederson said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about the indoor bird exhibit. It would be too easy with the signs they put up to identify them.