Monday, June 11, 2012

Video: 75-Year-Old Bodybuilding Grandma Proves Age Is Nothing But A Number

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Video: 75-Year-Old Bodybuilding Grandma Proves Age Is Nothing But A Number

World's Oldest bodybuilder

"If ever there was an anti-aging pill, I would call it exercise," says 75-year-old Ernestine Shepherd, of Baltimore, who runs 10 miles per day and is more ripped and strong than most 20-somethings. But here's the most inspirational part: the bodybuilding grandma didn't start training until she was 71. So…what's your excuse for not hitting the weights today?

Shepherd, who says she loves to help her fellow churchgoers discover exercise and a healthy lifestyle, made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for being the oldest female competitive bodybuilder in the world. She says she started exercising at age 56, because she wasn't happy with how she looked in a swimsuit. But following the death of her sister, Shepherd says she became more dedicated.

This awesomely inspirational woman is living proof that, as she tells her fellow congregates during their workouts today, "age is nothing but a number." Super-fit, lively, and able to wake up at 2:30 am (yup. In the morning. Every morning) to go running, the cheerful grandmother demonstrates what the human body is capable of achieving, even years after "retirement age."

Watch this amazing video by the BBC, and think about what you'd like to be doing at age 75. My newfound goal: have arms like Ernestine.

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