Monday, November 19, 2007

My HMO vent.

We pay so so so much for health care. $700 per month in my case, but of course, I "only" pay $17 a month, the rest is taken out of my wages. So, when I hurt me knee (or hip, or back...) I expect to be able to see a Doctor, not any doctor, but a doctor who knows a lot about Orthopedics, you know, because I have history in this area and I'm pretty sure that's what I need!

Instead, scenario A happens: I call up my PCP (read: was put on hold for 5-7 minutes), and to then, to my surprise, my PCP isn't accepting any new patients! Even though she's supposed to be my doctor!!! So I have to call another office, oh GUESS WHAT? Not a single primary care physician at UCSF is accepting new patients, WOW. Unbelievable. So, I call some other random PCP, oh wait, no, not that easy, I find out that first my insurance company must approve the switch! So, I call my insurance company (read: was put on hold for 10-15 minutes this time), and I was finally able to make the change, but of course, it will take 3-4 business days to process.

So basically, I can go to the Emergency Clinic, wait about 2 hours and have some snide doctor think that he has seen my case before and I don't really need an MRI, because, you know, we're trying to cut medical costs in this country and frankly my knee/hip/back just isn't worth it.


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