I've been running on a fairly regular basis now since January 1st of this year. I've even kept up my training log! I had some down time in February with a vacation and being sick, but now I'm back in full throttle. Even though I was a track and field athlete in college, I frankly didn't do much running except for summer and fall workouts, at least running over 800m at one time! So it's been fun to change things up and really focus my energies into running. I really do miss the throws and the jumps, but I've been having a ton of fun coaching the MacCanDo athletes in these events. My knees and back aren't really made for the field events, I wish they were or I would still be training!!! For now, running is my main sport. Since I've now done it fairly consistently over the past 3 months, I figured I would start blogging about my efforts on a bit more regular basis.
For now, I am very fortunate to live by a track and the amazing Golden Gate Park, AND to have wonderful running partners in Meredith and Eugene. They have really helped to spark my interest and excitement in running and have given me a lot of motivation to keep going and extending my distances. Thanks for being great running partners guys!
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