Monday, March 30, 2009

The continuous fight against INERTIA

Inertia can be a good thing, or a bad thing. It's a safe bet that for most of us its a bad thing...We don't go to the gym tonight, or this week, or this month...We vow to read more books, but can never find the time to go to the library...We say we love hiking but every Saturday decide that our bed is way better than any vista or mountain peak could ever be...

Inertia is the root of all these problems. It is just SO stinking easy to keep on doing what you've been doing.

It's tough, but the first way to overcome inertia is to RECOGNIZE THE PROBLEM.
How do you do that? Asking yourself the tough questions

What would you rather do on your weekends?
My answer: Hike, bike, run, travel, be OUTSIDE

What would you rather use your weeknights for?
My answer: Learning to cook, practicing my spanish, making videos, reading

Why are you wasting away most of your weeknights?
The internet, Hulu, sleep, the

just 2 examples but this awareness has really helped me actively engage myself and think about how I use my time compared to how I would rather use my time. Inertia, I will beat you!!!!!

Note: Sometimes inertia is good...Here is my example:
Studying..when you're on a roll, KEEP STUDYING, same with working, reading, or any good habit!!!

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