Thursday, April 30, 2009
Excellent wisdom
2 questions that will paralyze you and drive you crazy :
1. What is THE passion?
2. What's the ultimate thing that you're going to do with you life, what mark are you going to make, what's the horizon?
Look at your values, your opportunities and work with the passions you have today. This makes it into an issue of just choosing between all right answers.
Love it. Watch the full 4-minute video by Randy Komisar on Academic Earth
A Birthday Request
Please send me at least 5 of your favorite songs.
Songs that inspire you, make you think, that you just love the rhythm and beat of, that energize and lift your spirits, or that just bring a smile to your face...By no means limit yourself to 5, I"ll take as many as you're willing to send!
A few years back, one of my Heps buddies made a CD for me of songs that get her in her running groove and I absolutely loved it, still listen to it to this day. I am desperately in need of new music and I know I'll be studying a ton and working out in gyms for the next 4 years, so I thought, what better gift then music that all of you love for my birthday?
In advance -THANK YOU! You can email them to me or send me a CD in the mail, my mailing address is on Facebook. I can't wait to receive your favorite music!!!
Quote of the Day
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
DailyCandy Keeps You in the Know
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Time to think
Taking the time to put things together is what sets the truly great aside from the rest of us. To be brilliant, to be profound, you have to do some serious thinking, checking your assumptions, doing thought experiences of what else could be. You have to do some serious doubting of reality, your self, and everything you've been taught.
I've been tossing around this idea in my head for a while now with respect to cancer. Each day I am more impressed with the ingenuity, determination, and hard work that goes into treating women with breast cancer, basic research into development cancer, clinical trials that improve (somewhat) outcomes for people's lives. We still know SO little about cancer, how it metastasizes, and how to actually treat people so cancer doesn't come back EVER.
It seems that all our hard, earnest work is MISSING THE BIG POINT. We are incrementally improving outcomes, but there's a limit. We need a breakthrough, maybe it takes all this work to get a breakthrough, but I'm not sure people have their eyes open wide enough to be able to think of the potential cure. I sure hope so. I wish we had more sit down discussions about our opinions on how cancer works, holistically, compared to specific conversations on one type of mechanism. So much times is spent justifying and pinpointing one protein or improving a subset of 1 type of caner. I wish we could have a thinking retreat and discuss thought experiments about how cancer could be prevented and cured.
As for myself, I am going to try to set aside more time for synthesizing, thinking, reflecting, and experimenting with different concepts in my mind. This will be my attempt to understand the big picture, how the puzzle fits together, and why the puzzle is fitting together a certain way currently.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Quote of the day
-Michael Jordan
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Stunning Video
Even if you think you're not interested in cellular biology or cancer treatments, the simplicity and beauty of this video will wow you. It's amazing how technology and design can help with conceptual modeling and understanding of other topics.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'm high on life
I am so happy and energized about life. The rhythms of my day are very patterned, but every day are new thoughts, new insights, new learning, new growing, new recognizing, new awareness.
How amazing is that? Surely, this is what being high on life really means.
We sometimes like to equate speed and quickness of thought with intelligence, but isn't this just recognizing patterns more quickly? Or perhaps finding the language to articulate your thoughts faster?
Will be posting more on this...I am inclined to think that intelligence is shaped by genetics to a certain extent, but also extensively shaped by development throughout your lifetime and interaction by playing, education, environment and will. I think it is possible to train someone to be more intelligent. Whether or not we have good ways of conducting this type of training currently is another issue. I strongly believe in the plasticity of the brain and potential for development of intelligence. I also think that intelligence is inextricably linked to knowledge. But, now that I'm intrigued in the subject, I'm going to do some digging and think about it some more...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Yummy Yum Yum
Besides simple starches, sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, beta carotene (a vitamin A equivalent nutrient), vitamin C, and vitamin B6.
In 1992, the Center for Science in the Public Interest compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to other vegetables. Considering fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium, the sweet potato ranked highest in nutritional value. According to these criteria, sweet potatoes earned 184 points, 100 points over the next on the list, the common potato.(NCSPC)
Sweet potato varieties with dark orange flesh have more beta carotene than those with light colored flesh and their increased cultivation is being encouraged in Africa where Vitamin A deficiency is a serious health problem. Despite the name "sweet", it may be a beneficial food for diabetics, as preliminary studies on animals have revealed that it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and to lower insulin resistance.[7] Some Americans, including television personality Oprah Winfrey, are advocating increased consumption of sweet potatoes both for their health benefits and because of their importance in traditional Southern cuisine.
Quote of the Day
Friday, April 10, 2009
Future Surgeon?
I LOVED IT. Really, honestly, loved it. All day I was excited and going over the details of everything again and again in my head. What an awesome job.
Wish I could be seeing another one today....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Beautiful day at the beach!
Tomorrow I'm going to shadow Dr. A in the OR doing a double mastectomy.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Watch tonight on PBS: Doctor's Diaries
In 1987, NOVA's cameras began rolling to chronicle the lives of seven young, bright medical students embarking on the longest and most rigorous endeavor in higher education: the years-long journey to become a doctor. From their first days at Harvard Medical School to the present day, none of them could have predicted what it would take, personally and professionally.
In "Doctors' Diaries," a two-part special, NOVA returns to find out what sort of doctors—and people—the seven young students have become. The program is the latest installment in the longest-running U.S. documentary of its kind.
Here's the NYT article on the showTonight, April 7th at 8pm and the 2nd part is April 14th at 8pm on PBS, don't miss it!
It's raining
A great invention would be an umbrella hat. I'm quite astonished that no one has invented one. I always find that when I have my umbrella I'm so handicapped like when I'm carrying groceries, library books, or other important things that shouldn't get wet!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Quote of the day
"The point is that what I found at a very young age was that if you can only think about yourself -- 'How much money can I make? What can I buy? How nice is my house? What kind of fancy car do I have?' -- that over the long term, I think you get bored...I think if you're only thinking about yourself, your life becomes diminished, and the way to live a full life is to think about what can I do for others, how can I be a part of this larger project of making a better world"
-President Barack Obama 4/3/2009
TED: Ideas worth spreading
Inspired talks by the world's leading thinkers and doers
This website is amazing, I just watched the following 3 videos and all were original, powerful, and insightful. Let me know of other cool websites I should bookmark and be following regularly!
John Wooden on the difference between Winning and Success can be found here
Ken Robinson says Schools Kill Creativity can be found here
Elizabeth Gilbert on Nurturing Creativity can be found here
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sweets -only on the weekends
My definition of sweets:
chocolate, candy, cookies, brownies, butterscotch, brown sugar, marshmallows, ice cream, ice cream sandwiches, See's candy, Hot Tamales, bubble tea, peeps, sherbet, snickers etc etc etc.
If you want to join me in my fight against sweets consumption, let me know.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Making knowledge (with sidenote on healthy living)
I bring up this point because of a lecture I attended today by Donald Abrams, MD, an oncologist who works for the UCSF Integrative Medicine OSHER Institute. He quoted someone who said that "the degree of evidence should be directly proportional to the potential of harm". My response to that is -who gets to decide what the potential of harm actually is? When we're talking about soy, Vitamin D3, omega-3s and cancer treatment -I think we need actually rigorous studies, not just 6 month studies of 25 women to understand how these things interact with treatments before we say "yah go ahead and take vitamin D3 supplements during chemotherapy, can't hurt".
My last point (for if you want to enjoy your time now, later, and be a 95 year old sprite, sharp great grandma)...Everything in moderation. (Even McDonalds, ice cream, and BBQ ribs) If you're going to change anything about your lifestyle here are 2 fundamental rules of thumb:
1. BE LEAN. Perferably by making the outdoors a part of your life! Run, bike, walk, ski, swim, rollerblade, hike, kayak! You'll be trimmer and enjoy life more, I guarantee it!
2. EAT PLANTS. Unless you're a SF health nut, you and I both know neither of us are eating 5 servings of vegetables a day. Eat way more vegetables than you currently do. This will take years to get used to if its not typical for you, I know because I've been trying to do it for over a year! It's tough! It's a learned taste! But give it a shot!