Saturday, November 21, 2009

Schools out!

Sort of. I still have my final exams the week of December 6th, BUT I have no more classes until January!!! How lovely :) This week I will be shadowing in the OR, catching up on Dev Bio, shadowing some hospital rounds, and making sure I know all my anatomy. And of course, celebrating Thanksgiving!

Since I've finished up my classes for the quarter, let me reflect:
Anatomy: The smell got worse, not better, over time. I think I like real people a lot more than dead people, which is why I'll take surgical anatomy next quarter (unfortunately still dead people).
PoM: Brushed up on my quant skills, feel more comfortable analyzing the statistics of research papers. I have my basic taking a medical history skills down, but still need a lot of work!
Genetics: Still want to get my genotype sequenced, all the fear-mongering didn't work on me.
Dev Bio: Development is just really cool and fascinating
Cost Effectiveness Class: Presentation completed! I can't get away from approaching all topics from a cost benefit or cost effectiveness perspective now that I know about it.
In all: I don't feel like I am now 1/6 prepared for the boards or my clinical years, but I am much more knowledgeable of my ignorance, and much more exciting to dive in to more shadowing and volunteer opportunities. I look forward to working with patients every single day. I still believe that this is 100% the path I'm supposed to be on. I still love medical school but am very thankful for the break!

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