Monday, April 26, 2010

This is why I run

To decompress after my Lung Block Exam, I went on a great run in Arastradero Preserve this evening. About a mile into my run, I took a break to look around, and realized I was a step away from landing on a small 12 inch snake, it was slender with reddish-brown and yellow stripes. Continuing along, after a big climb, my efforts were rewarded with a gorgeous view of the surrounding landscape, extending all the way to the Bay.

The best part about a big ascent is the winding downhill run that follows, I was practically sprinting for almost a mile, all the while keeping my eyes peeled for other cool animal sightings. About a 100m before finishing, I slam on the breaks. There is a HUGE rattle snake in the middle of the trail!  I'm talking 4 feet long, big rattler, smack in the middle of the trail, with a dead mouse in its dust. So, fortunately I stop. Spend about 10 minutes in awe of this creature as it meanders off the trail into some gofer hole. Then I sprint to my car, slightly terrified of every sound along the trail, but joyous of my chance encounter with two beautiful snakes just minding their business on a sunny Monday evening.  This is why I run.

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