Monday, May 17, 2010

The amazing world you discover...

Rough test today, followed by a rougher 5 hours of continuous class, and it was rainy and cold... I was ready to be released from the cage...counting down the minutes to 5pm. And I'm out, quickly change and get moving. I start my usually route, around Lake Lagunita. I get somewhat annoyed by all the moths that seem to be around the ground, then as I look closer...and realize, that they aren't little moths, they are FROGS. BABY FROGS EVERYWHERE! I'm talking about hundreds and hundreds of baby frogs on the trail and in the surrounding meadow. So, of course I stop running, stoop down and enjoy the gleefully hopping frogs for a while, They hopped around so much, all my iphone photos are blurry. I walk lightly amongst the beautifully simple baby frogs for about a 1/4 mile...Amazing right? Where did they all come from? Why today? How wonderful, mysterious and beautiful. Nature always having a way of giving me a wake up call at the right moment...

Not all in life is perfect and beautiful though...As I continued to walk along the trail full of hopping froggies, I began seeing squashed frogs. My elation dampened. More dead frogs, all over the trail...People had been running them over all day.  People had been enjoying their run, unaware of the world around them, ignorant of the small beautiful creatures beneath their feet...It made me really sad. It was so terrible to see all of the tiny little lives, squished into oblivion.

After thinking about it, I think this occurrence represents something bigger for me. If you aren't cognizant and alert of your surroundings, you really won't be able to fathom the potential impact you and others may be having. I think this example shows what can negative results can occur because of this lack of perspective, but I think the flip side is also true, you can do a lot of good if you pay close enough attention. In my case, I managed to avoid stepping on frogs, and warned a few runners about them and they stopped their run and started walking too. Sometimes you don't even know what you're looking for, but keeping your eyes out, and your mind clear, you just might come across something amazing. In my case today, hundreds of tiny, hopping froggies.

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