Tuesday, May 27, 2008

PCT still on the mind

Just in case you were thinking that my talk of the Pacific Crest Trail was a whim, I want to let you know that 5 days later, I'm still seriously considering the undertaking. Usually if I'm just toying with an idea, after 3 days it will be put to rest. But this, my dear friend, is serious business and I wholly plan on completing it within the next 5 years!

2 Rules:
I will not race
I will not try to have the lightest pack on the trail.

From reading many accounts of personal PCT missions, I've noticed that some people tend to get really caught up in finishing the fastest and having the lightest bag. I've set enough PRs in track and field throughout the years that I only care about one thing for this adventure, and that is finishing. How long it takes me and how much weight I carry are frivolous to me. Of course, both are important to take into account, I will have to post a lot of mileage per diem and keeping the pack light only helps with this matter. But I won't kill myself or lose all my money trying to do either of these things. More to come-

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