Friday, January 23, 2009

The wonderfulness of teaching

Recently we hired someone to help with the day-to-day operations of that I've been managing up until now, and I get to train her! So she gets to watch a video on BreastCancer101, I get to teach her about trialCODE and how to code the clinical trials, etc etc. What I didn't realize was how much my energy would be renewed in the process. I'm realizing how much I've learned in the past 18 months, about the FDA, NCI, NIH, pharmaceudical companies, academic medicine, clinical trial design, cutting edge therapies in breast cancer. Taking a step back, I'm truly amazed. What I also didn't expect was to think about all the ways that we can still improve upon, as I'm explaining our systems and software to her, I'm realizing how much work we still have to get done before the website is where we want it to be.

Just thought I'd share.

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