Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of Medical School!

It's been a long time coming. Today was my first day of medical school. It was interesting, fun, and not too overwhelming. Anatomy was interesting. My cadaver had cancer, I know because she has a port in her for chemotherapy delivery. I took the first cut, from the manubrium all the way down to the xiphisternum, one clean cut. Dead skin is not my favorite thing in the world, in fact, it might be my least favorite thing next to fat and fascia. I love muscle, and finding the long thoracic nerve, (stems from the brachial plexus and innervates the serratus anterior) was really neat. As for reflections, It struck me that I will learn more this year than I can possibly comprehend, my synaptic connections might triple. I'm really thankful Stanford is pass/fail. Tomorrow is my first histology lab, we'll be using microscopes to look at bone marrow and blood cells.

In other news, I FINALLY went for a run today. It was tough, not because I was going fast, but because I'm so out of shape. I am definitely going to run every day during med school, I think it's the only way I'll get fresh air.

PS. After vigorous hand washing and a long shower, I still smell like the anatomy lab.

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